Assault by ground

Assault by ground

There had been explosions on Deathbringer’s Rise for days now. The Ashen Verdict’s “top gnomes” had been slowly working on the door into the spire, after an initial brute force attack had gotten them nowhere. The gnomes had shifted from trying to crack the huge mass of stone and saronite to working on the hinges.

At last, there was a popping sound, and then another one, the distinctive almond smell of seaforium and then the two doors fell inward, landing with heavy thuds.

“We’re in! All right, sweethearts, ye’re a team and there’s nothin’ to worry about. We come here, and we gonna conquer, and we gonna kick some, is that understood? That’s what we gonna do, sweethearts: We are going to go and get some. All right, people! Are ye lean?”


“Are ye mean?”




“Move it out! Move it out, Khaz damn it! Get hot! One, two, three, four! Go, go, go! Move in, move in, move in! Move in, move in, move in! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven! Arrrgh, absolute badasses! Let’s pack ’em in! Get in there!”

Hear Ringo live on Twisted Nether podcast tonight!

Hear Ringo live on Twisted Nether podcast tonight!

Listen as I get TWISTED liveA reminder: Ringo will be appearing on the next episode of the Twisted Nether Blogcast, talking about blogging, roleplaying and Cataclysm.

The show is streamed live via Skype, starting at 8 p.m. PST, so hop into the chat room and participate.

There will be a link to the archived version of the show posted at Flinthammer Hall after it goes out via podcast.

Assault by air

Assault by air

“Almighty and most merciful Hodir, we humbly beseech thee, of thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate snows with which we have had to contend,” Muradin Bronzebeard prayed on bended knee, his invocation barely audible over the sound of the winds and the Skybreaker’s propellers. “Grant us fair weather for battle. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon thee that, armed with thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies and establish thy justice among men and nations.”

I wanna be an dwarven ranger!” roared Ringo Flinthammer.

Live a life of sex and danger!” responded Baelan Grimaxe, equally loudly.

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We’re not retreating; we’re advancing in a different direction.

We’re not retreating; we’re advancing in a different direction.

The cloud of dust and ice crystals had not yet settled from the cave-in by the time that the Skybreaker was pulling away from Icecrown Citadel and into the stormy skies above the great glacier. There was no sign of Arthas Menethil below them on the mountainside.

“I can barely believe we’re still alive,” Lady Jaina Proudmoore panted to no one in particular, shivering as her sweat was wicked away by the frigid wind. “It was foolish of me to follow him. I’ve made that mistake too many times.”

A grumbling from the surviving troops from her expedition indicated agreement, although not so loudly that anyone could be singled out and written up by Master Nightsong, who would then have the report passed on to Field Marshal Snowfall, the Supreme Commander of Alliance Forces in Northrend. It was unlikely that Snowfall had time for any of the night elf’s officiousness, but no one wanted to take any unnecessary chances.

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