A gift of adoration

It turned out the Earthen Ring had created a stable portal leading back to Stormwind in the Temple of Earth. Frankly, Ringo Flinthammer thought this just smacked of the shaman showing off, and was indicative of a lack of taste in their choice of destination. Still, it meant that their rams could graze on the green grass of the pasture just outside the gates of the rebuilt Dwarven District, and Ringo had reunited with Rusty.
“The new place has a better menu,” Beli Flinthammer said. The pair had just eaten dinner at the Golden Keg, the bar which had replaced the Bar with No Name, which Deathwing had destroyed in his attack on the city, “But it’s hip-deep in bloody elves and squid.”
“They’re all over the District now,” Ringo nodded grimly.
“Ah couldnae help but notice,” Beli said, her tone taking on a studied nonchalance, “Somethin’ else was all over the District as well.”
“Them wee paper hearts? Pfft, just another ‘holiday’ invented by goblins, Ah reckon.”
“Of course it was!” a voice piped.