
Ringo and Beli Flinthammer landed with heavy thumps and blinked at the seemingly bright sunlight as the Schnotzzis jerked the hoods off their heads.
“Ye again,” Ringo spat, glaring up at Commander Schnottz. “This is yer last chance, greenie: Cut us loose and we will nae feed yer naughty bits to the bear.”
“You are in a position unzuitable to give orders,” Schnottz drawled, tapping the ash off his cigarette. “And bezides, I vould not vant to miss zis touching reunion.”
He clapped his hands together suddenly.
A door somewhere behind the Flinthammers was flung open and a pair of goblins dragged in a struggling Brann Bronzebeard, who looked at the Flinthammers and seemed to sag a little in the guards’ arms.
“I vill take ze book now,” Schnottz said, grinning at Bronzebeard’s expression.
“W-what b-book?” Ringo stammered.
“You have ze journal in your pocket.”
“Ye idjit! You think a mountaineer would be that stupid? That he would bring me journal all the way back here?”
He paused.
“Ye didnae, did ye?”
There was a long silence.
“Ye didnae bring it, did ye?”
“Well, uh …”
“Ye DID?”
“Look, can we discuss this later?”
“I should have mailed it to a leper gnome!”
“Will ye take it easy?”
“Take it easy? Why do ye think I sent it to a mountaineer in the first place? So it wouldn’t fall into their hands!”
“Ah came here to SAVE ye!”
“Oh, yeah? And who’s gonna come to save ye, MOUNTAINEER?”