We’re not retreating; we’re advancing in a different direction.
The cloud of dust and ice crystals had not yet settled from the cave-in by the time that the Skybreaker was pulling away from Icecrown Citadel and into the stormy skies above the great glacier. There was no sign of Arthas Menethil below them on the mountainside.
“I can barely believe we’re still alive,” Lady Jaina Proudmoore panted to no one in particular, shivering as her sweat was wicked away by the frigid wind. “It was foolish of me to follow him. I’ve made that mistake too many times.”
A grumbling from the surviving troops from her expedition indicated agreement, although not so loudly that anyone could be singled out and written up by Master Nightsong, who would then have the report passed on to Field Marshal Snowfall, the Supreme Commander of Alliance Forces in Northrend. It was unlikely that Snowfall had time for any of the night elf’s officiousness, but no one wanted to take any unnecessary chances.