The very earth beneath our feet

“Ow!” Gyorgi Stonekeg rubbed the back of his head. “She slapped me!”
“Ye donnae wanna get smart about what’s happened with the king around her,” Mountaineer Ringo Flinthammer said, craning his neck back and staring all around. “So this is the Elemental Plane, eh? Jus’ looks like a big cave ta me.”
“So, where’s this Stonefather, then?” Beli Flinthammer growled, clearly unawed by the gigantic cavern they found themselves in. All of Ironforge Mountain could fit within it, without scraping the ceiling, but she gave no sign of being impressed. “Th’ sooner he tells us how ta turn the king back to flesh, th’ sooner he can set things right in Khaz Modan.”
“Initiate Stonekeg,” a goblin, covered in grease and waving a spanner, shrieked at the three dwarves. “You’re late! The battle is underway!”
“Battle?” Gyorgi echoed. “What are ye talking about, Goldmine?”
The goblin shaman thrust out a finger, pointing at flashes of light on a distant ledge of the great cavern.
“The stone troggs are making their final push to wipe out the Earthen and conquer Stonehearth for good.”
“Ye know,” Beli sighed, “No one ever says ‘ah, ye need help? Here it is, free o’ charge, no riskin’ yer life on behalf of whatever thing we need doing first.'”
Ringo nodded and quickly loaded his rifle.
“Time fer some thrillin’ heroics.”