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Author: Beli Flinthammer

Three Cheers for Kyroson!

Three Cheers for Kyroson!

A toast to Kyroson for surviving his long exorcism ordeal, which climaxed with the death knight in Scholomance. Once the foe was slain, he purified the lost soul and redeemed the death knight’s charger. He then placed his barding upon the charger and claimed the steed as his own!

(I’ll be sending him me repair bill shortly for me involvement in his affairs, of course.)

At Long Last!

At Long Last!

I got promoted to Lieutenant Commander and was awarded the last of me armor pieces to complete me set — the shoulders and the helm.

Me total tally to date: 17,226 horde defeated.

There are four more ranks I could pursue, but to be honest, while the upper-tiered gears are remarkable for the stronger magical qualities they hold, I’m not terribly enthralled with the time commitment required. I’m going to take a well-deserved break from the battlegrounds.

For now!

It Ain’t Over Yet

It Ain’t Over Yet

The battle for the resource nodes in Arathi Basin began last week. I do have to admit that the new battleground gives me renewed energy. Everything is so new and fresh and … dare I say it? Fun! Even losing doesn’t hurt as much because I still get rewarded for the resources gathered regardless of the end result.

Yeah, I think I’ll stick around for a bit and keep up the good fight! Why not?