Browsed by
Author: Beli Flinthammer

In these troubled times

In these troubled times


A gnome decked out in a hat with lime and pink feathers, complete with a pair of tusks, waved delightedly.

“Wow, Vamen, where in the world did you find that topper?” I marveled at his newest head adornment. Outlandish hats are to Vamen what designer shoes are to human women.

“Got it from an angry jungle gnome. Long story.” He cackled with a dismissive wave. “How are you and Ringo doing — BY BONZO’S BRASS BUTTONS, IS THAT YOURS?”

I place me hand on the head of a blond toddler peeking out behind me robe. “This is Bael, our wee son, aye. He’s nearly two now. He’s off to stay with his ‘Opa and Oma’ while Ringo takes me on yet another fun-filled expedition.”

Bael gave a floppy wave and began quacking enthusiastically, his new favorite game. “Gak, gak!”

“Wow! I’ve been away longer than I thought. Sheesh, what else have I missed? Nothing big, I hope.”

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